North Carolina
HMDA Loan Application Totals
and Mortgage Lending Details
for 2023

Discover comprehensive North Carolina mortgage statistics and HMDA loan application data from 2003 to 2023.
Explore detailed insights into the total number of mortgage applications, loan amounts, and lending trends across the state.
Our interactive lists allow you to analyze mortgage data by county and metropolitan area, helping you track regional lending patterns.

Need in-depth lender data?
Easily download a formatted spreadsheet containing aggregated HMDA statistics for all North Carolina based lenders.
Whether you're an industry analyst, homebuyer, or researcher, this data provides valuable insights into North Carolina's mortgage market trends.

Years 2023  2022  2021  2020  2019  2018  2017  2016  2015  2014  2013  2012  2011  2010  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005  2004  2003  
Total Number of Mortgage Applications 463,506
Total Mortgage Loan Application Amount $118,188,730,000
Average Mortgage Loan Application Amount $254,000
Highest Mortgage Loan Application Amount $72,005,000
Average Applicant Income $128,000
Highest Applicant Income $9,602,000

Explore comprehensive HMDA mortgage statistics and application trends for 2023 in North Carolina. Below, you'll find key insights, including total mortgage applications, average loan amounts, highest application amounts, and the income levels of top applicants. If you're researching mortgage and loan application data in North Carolina, these statistics will help you understand market trends and lending patterns as you navigate the mortgage process.

Our HMDA dataset allows you to analyze mortgage loan applications for 2023 across various categories, including loan purpose, applicant race, loan type, application outcomes, and reasons for denial. These detailed breakdowns provide valuable insights into borrower demographics and lender activity, making them an essential resource for homebuyers, real estate professionals, and industry analysts.

Each category highlights the total number of mortgage applications, total loan amounts, average mortgage sizes, and the highest loan amounts within each segment. You can also explore borrower income data, including average applicant income and the highest reported incomes for mortgage applicants. Whether you're evaluating lender performance, researching loan approval trends, or comparing mortgage options, this HMDA-backed data offers a valuable snapshot of the mortgage landscape in North Carolina.

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Mortgage Loan Application Detail Totals for North Carolina in 2023

Loan Purpose

Total Number of Mortgage Applications Total Dollar Amount of Mortgage Loan Applications Average Mortgage Loan Amount Highest Mortgage Loan Amount Average Applicant Income Highest Applicant Income
Home Purchase 256,893 $83,089,610,000 $323,000 $72,005,000 $135,000 $9,602,000
Cash-out Refinancing 56,745 $13,771,575,000 $242,000 $50,015,000 $97,000 $7,964,000
Other Purpose 56,507 $6,245,645,000 $110,000 $38,505,000 $128,000 $9,480,000
Home Improvement 53,372 $5,317,400,000 $99,000 $32,525,000 $129,000 $8,887,000
Refinancing 38,810 $9,606,045,000 $247,000 $67,355,000 $128,000 $9,595,000
Not Applicable 1,179 $158,455,000 $134,000 $21,805,000 $49,000 $206,000

Applicant Race

Total Number of Mortgage Applications Total Dollar Amount of Mortgage Loan Applications Average Mortgage Loan Amount Highest Mortgage Loan Amount Average Applicant Income Highest Applicant Income
White 239,589 $56,005,785,000 $233,000 $7,505,000 $134,000 $9,602,000
Black or African American 63,358 $12,101,610,000 $191,000 $9,995,000 $95,000 $9,480,000
Not Provided 57,742 $14,276,530,000 $247,000 $11,005,000 $133,000 $8,724,000
Not applicable 46,039 $20,213,685,000 $439,000 $72,005,000 $132,000 $5,224,000
Hispanic 28,076 $6,127,390,000 $218,000 $3,605,000 $103,000 $9,595,000
Asian 18,851 $6,782,915,000 $359,000 $3,245,000 $169,000 $4,959,000
American Indian or Alaskan Native 4,600 $780,500,000 $169,000 $1,945,000 $93,000 $2,640,000
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 370 $84,420,000 $228,000 $1,755,000 $106,000 $1,108,000

Loan Type

Total Number of Mortgage Applications Total Dollar Amount of Mortgage Loan Applications Average Mortgage Loan Amount Highest Mortgage Loan Amount Average Applicant Income Highest Applicant Income
Conventional (any loan other than FHA, VA, FSA, or RHS loans) 355,005 $87,672,485,000 $246,000 $72,005,000 $137,000 $9,595,000
FHA-insured (Federal Housing Administration) 57,583 $14,524,985,000 $252,000 $28,575,000 $83,000 $9,602,000
VA-guaranteed (Veterans Administration) 48,622 $15,486,700,000 $318,000 $2,125,000 $102,000 $7,602,000
FSA/RHS (Farm Service Agency or Rural Housing Service) 2,296 $504,560,000 $219,000 $3,315,000 $102,000 $8,128,000


Total Number of Mortgage Applications Total Dollar Amount of Mortgage Loan Applications Average Mortgage Loan Amount Highest Mortgage Loan Amount Average Applicant Income Highest Applicant Income
Loan Originated 243,164 $67,023,230,000 $275,000 $67,355,000 $138,000 $9,422,000
Application Denied By Financial Institution 82,231 $13,321,255,000 $161,000 $40,005,000 $97,000 $9,480,000
Application Withdrawn By Applicant 57,862 $16,449,710,000 $284,000 $72,005,000 $133,000 $9,602,000
Loan Purchased By The Institution 42,135 $13,193,165,000 $313,000 $4,055,000 $135,000 $5,224,000
File Closed For Incompleteness 26,760 $5,152,560,000 $192,000 $10,705,000 $109,000 $9,595,000
Application Approved But Not Accepted 10,842 $2,833,970,000 $261,000 $38,285,000 $130,000 $7,083,000
Preapproval Approved but not Accepted 293 $102,815,000 $350,000 $1,625,000 $136,000 $2,515,000
Preapproval Denied by Financial Institution 219 $112,025,000 $511,000 $48,155,000 $124,000 $2,414,000

Denial Reason

Total Number of Mortgage Applications Total Dollar Amount of Mortgage Loan Applications Average Mortgage Loan Amount Highest Mortgage Loan Amount Average Applicant Income Highest Applicant Income
Not applicable 379,396 $103,794,155,000 $273,000 $72,005,000 $135,000 $9,602,000
Debt-To-Income Ratio 30,258 $5,898,785,000 $194,000 $49,725,000 $75,000 $4,371,000
Credit History 25,789 $3,197,905,000 $124,000 $9,995,000 $102,000 $9,480,000
Collateral 8,954 $1,583,830,000 $176,000 $26,515,000 $131,000 $6,075,000
Credit Application Incomplete 6,629 $1,177,745,000 $177,000 $2,505,000 $116,000 $6,264,000
Other 5,834 $1,217,600,000 $208,000 $48,155,000 $131,000 $3,875,000
Unverifiable Information 4,738 $834,490,000 $176,000 $2,905,000 $101,000 $4,421,000
Insufficient Cash (Downpayment, Closing Cost) 1,095 $305,345,000 $278,000 $3,515,000 $120,000 $3,872,000
Employment History 806 $176,170,000 $218,000 $1,385,000 $86,000 $1,560,000
Mortgage Insurance Denied 7 $2,705,000 $386,000 $675,000 $109,000 $156,000
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Mortgage Loan Application Totals in 2023 by North Carolina Metropolitan Area

Metro Area Total Number of Mortgage Loan Applications Total Dollar Amount of Mortgage Loan Applications Average Mortgage Loan Application Amount Average Applicant Income
ASHEVILLE, NC 18,314 $ 4,896,700,000 $ 267,000 $ 133,000
BURLINGTON, NC 7,682 $ 1,628,570,000 $ 211,000 $ 94,000
CHARLOTTE-CONCORD-GASTONIA, NC-SC 106,555 $ 31,306,765,000 $ 293,000 $ 143,000
DURHAM-CHAPEL HILL, NC 24,131 $ 7,105,280,000 $ 294,000 $ 146,000
FAYETTEVILLE, NC 27,057 $ 5,919,045,000 $ 218,000 $ 98,000
GOLDSBORO, NC 4,282 $ 748,030,000 $ 174,000 $ 88,000
GREENSBORO-HIGH POINT, NC 28,852 $ 5,743,720,000 $ 199,000 $ 102,000
GREENVILLE, NC 6,308 $ 1,363,300,000 $ 216,000 $ 108,000
HICKORY-LENOIR-MORGANTON, NC 14,607 $ 2,865,425,000 $ 196,000 $ 102,000
JACKSONVILLE, NC 11,294 $ 2,685,070,000 $ 237,000 $ 104,000
NEW BERN, NC 5,685 $ 1,114,575,000 $ 196,000 $ 109,000
RALEIGH, NC 70,699 $ 21,973,395,000 $ 310,000 $ 151,000
ROCKY MOUNT, NC 5,591 $ 942,435,000 $ 168,000 $ 87,000
WILMINGTON, NC 14,901 $ 4,611,205,000 $ 309,000 $ 157,000
WINSTON-SALEM, NC 27,603 $ 5,433,820,000 $ 196,000 $ 103,000
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Mortgage Loan Application Totals in 2023 by North Carolina County

County Total Number of Mortgage Loan Applications Total Dollar Amount of Mortgage Loan Applications Average Mortgage Loan Application Amount Average Applicant Income
Alamance 7,682 $ 1,628,570,000 $ 211,000 $ 94,000
Alexander 1,128 $ 202,350,000 $ 179,000 $ 95,000
Alleghany 437 $ 87,165,000 $ 199,000 $ 123,000
Anson 740 $ 115,170,000 $ 155,000 $ 72,000
Ashe 1,038 $ 219,030,000 $ 211,000 $ 118,000
Avery 897 $ 310,375,000 $ 346,000 $ 259,000
Beaufort 1,630 $ 275,850,000 $ 169,000 $ 106,000
Bertie 408 $ 52,830,000 $ 129,000 $ 77,000
Bladen 987 $ 146,695,000 $ 148,000 $ 84,000
Brunswick 12,460 $ 3,437,880,000 $ 275,000 $ 139,000
Buncombe 9,781 $ 2,827,785,000 $ 289,000 $ 145,000
Burke 3,210 $ 581,890,000 $ 181,000 $ 91,000
Cabarrus 11,070 $ 2,832,870,000 $ 255,000 $ 124,000
Caldwell 3,021 $ 527,545,000 $ 174,000 $ 95,000
Camden 603 $ 145,655,000 $ 241,000 $ 109,000
Carteret 4,007 $ 1,143,475,000 $ 285,000 $ 184,000
Caswell 724 $ 115,490,000 $ 159,000 $ 85,000
Catawba 7,248 $ 1,553,640,000 $ 214,000 $ 111,000
Chatham 3,574 $ 1,232,255,000 $ 344,000 $ 174,000
Cherokee 1,437 $ 272,345,000 $ 189,000 $ 104,000
Chowan 588 $ 100,790,000 $ 171,000 $ 101,000
Clay 459 $ 100,125,000 $ 218,000 $ 124,000
Cleveland 4,134 $ 703,730,000 $ 170,000 $ 84,000
Columbus 1,766 $ 260,970,000 $ 147,000 $ 80,000
Craven 4,884 $ 962,360,000 $ 197,000 $ 106,000
Cumberland 15,548 $ 3,201,310,000 $ 205,000 $ 95,000
Currituck 2,466 $ 901,410,000 $ 365,000 $ 174,000
Dare 2,709 $ 958,445,000 $ 353,000 $ 213,000
Davidson 7,945 $ 1,443,085,000 $ 181,000 $ 94,000
Davie 2,124 $ 417,270,000 $ 196,000 $ 104,000
Duplin 1,341 $ 198,465,000 $ 147,000 $ 84,000
Durham 12,179 $ 3,774,085,000 $ 309,000 $ 143,000
Edgecombe 1,523 $ 204,065,000 $ 133,000 $ 74,000
Forsyth 14,589 $ 3,101,680,000 $ 212,000 $ 110,000
Franklin 4,680 $ 1,145,750,000 $ 244,000 $ 112,000
Gaston 11,356 $ 2,564,930,000 $ 225,000 $ 103,000
Gates 389 $ 67,265,000 $ 172,000 $ 86,000
Graham 260 $ 51,150,000 $ 196,000 $ 111,000
Granville 2,351 $ 460,585,000 $ 195,000 $ 106,000
Greene 528 $ 72,980,000 $ 138,000 $ 83,000
Guilford 19,390 $ 4,226,760,000 $ 217,000 $ 111,000
Halifax 1,345 $ 190,955,000 $ 141,000 $ 83,000
Harnett 8,221 $ 1,967,875,000 $ 239,000 $ 105,000
Haywood 2,737 $ 628,045,000 $ 229,000 $ 117,000
Henderson 4,975 $ 1,239,575,000 $ 249,000 $ 119,000
Hertford 516 $ 65,520,000 $ 126,000 $ 82,000
Hoke 3,288 $ 749,860,000 $ 228,000 $ 98,000
Hyde 100 $ 19,960,000 $ 199,000 $ 140,000
Iredell 10,249 $ 2,959,755,000 $ 288,000 $ 137,000
Jackson 1,341 $ 449,955,000 $ 335,000 $ 215,000
Johnston 12,975 $ 3,076,095,000 $ 237,000 $ 113,000
Jones 334 $ 52,140,000 $ 156,000 $ 87,000
Lee 2,706 $ 582,720,000 $ 215,000 $ 113,000
Lenoir 1,871 $ 273,285,000 $ 146,000 $ 83,000
Lincoln 4,557 $ 1,115,705,000 $ 244,000 $ 128,000
Macon 1,618 $ 393,650,000 $ 243,000 $ 142,000
Madison 821 $ 201,295,000 $ 245,000 $ 130,000
Martin 586 $ 74,820,000 $ 127,000 $ 73,000
McDowell 1,489 $ 294,835,000 $ 198,000 $ 110,000
Mecklenburg 49,244 $ 16,410,475,000 $ 333,000 $ 164,000
Mitchell 594 $ 103,980,000 $ 175,000 $ 96,000
Montgomery 919 $ 170,975,000 $ 186,000 $ 114,000
Moore 5,422 $ 1,567,680,000 $ 289,000 $ 141,000
Nash 4,068 $ 738,370,000 $ 181,000 $ 92,000
New Hanover 10,684 $ 3,362,210,000 $ 314,000 $ 167,000
Northampton 513 $ 78,685,000 $ 153,000 $ 104,000
Onslow 11,294 $ 2,685,070,000 $ 237,000 $ 104,000
Orange 4,324 $ 1,316,830,000 $ 304,000 $ 170,000
Pamlico 467 $ 100,075,000 $ 214,000 $ 155,000
Pasquotank 1,981 $ 414,105,000 $ 209,000 $ 97,000
Pender 4,217 $ 1,248,995,000 $ 296,000 $ 132,000
Perquimans 650 $ 118,770,000 $ 182,000 $ 101,000
Person 1,703 $ 321,525,000 $ 188,000 $ 96,000
Pitt 6,308 $ 1,363,300,000 $ 216,000 $ 108,000
Polk 833 $ 210,825,000 $ 253,000 $ 133,000
Randolph 5,660 $ 895,840,000 $ 158,000 $ 84,000
Richmond 1,434 $ 206,080,000 $ 143,000 $ 75,000
Robeson 4,066 $ 605,890,000 $ 149,000 $ 75,000
Rockingham 3,802 $ 621,120,000 $ 163,000 $ 82,000
Rowan 6,333 $ 1,252,165,000 $ 197,000 $ 93,000
Rutherford 2,657 $ 472,615,000 $ 177,000 $ 99,000
Sampson 1,863 $ 296,575,000 $ 159,000 $ 90,000
Scotland 1,081 $ 151,125,000 $ 139,000 $ 74,000
Stanly 3,363 $ 670,465,000 $ 199,000 $ 97,000
Stokes 1,775 $ 289,965,000 $ 163,000 $ 86,000
Surry 2,406 $ 372,750,000 $ 154,000 $ 88,000
Swain 564 $ 133,200,000 $ 236,000 $ 137,000
Transylvania 1,239 $ 326,055,000 $ 263,000 $ 159,000
Tyrrell 140 $ 17,040,000 $ 121,000 $ 73,000
Union 13,006 $ 4,055,695,000 $ 311,000 $ 156,000
Vance 1,174 $ 190,890,000 $ 162,000 $ 89,000
Wake 53,044 $ 17,751,550,000 $ 334,000 $ 164,000
Warren 714 $ 160,380,000 $ 224,000 $ 157,000
Washington 327 $ 37,385,000 $ 114,000 $ 76,000
Watauga 1,880 $ 618,560,000 $ 329,000 $ 224,000
Wayne 4,282 $ 748,030,000 $ 174,000 $ 88,000
Wilkes 1,944 $ 316,100,000 $ 162,000 $ 85,000
Wilson 2,688 $ 489,390,000 $ 182,000 $ 93,000
Yadkin 1,170 $ 181,820,000 $ 155,000 $ 89,000
Yancey 653 $ 154,055,000 $ 235,000 $ 143,000

Our comprehensive HMDA mortgage statistics offer invaluable insights into North Carolina's 2023 lending landscape. By analyzing detailed data on mortgage applications, loan amounts, applicant incomes, loan purposes, and approval rates, industry professionals, researchers, and analysts can identify key trends shaping the state's housing market.

This in-depth information enables real estate experts, financial analysts, and policymakers to monitor market shifts, assess borrower demographics, and evaluate lender performance effectively. Leverage this powerful data to make informed decisions, conduct thorough market research, and stay ahead in the evolving mortgage industry.
To gain a deeper understanding of North Carolina's mortgage lending environment, download the comprehensive list of lenders and their aggregated HMDA statistics today.

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